His Dark Materials – find your daemon

If you’re a fan of the Philip Pulman His Dark Materials trilogy, did you know that at the Golden Compass film site you can take a quiz to choose what your daemon would be? It’s at http://www.goldencompassmovie.com/ (Warning! The site is all flash and plays music. Bad website!) Go to Daemons and click ‘Choose your daemon’ and answer 20 questions to have your personality analysed.

Picture removed since embedding an object really messed everything else up!

Apparently, I’m solitary, assertive, modest, dependable and flexible and, therefore, matched with a chimpanzee! Not exactly what I was expecting for my personality type but the description is spot on so I guess they know what they’re talking about.

It’s all very silly but made me smile so I thought I’d share.

Edited to add that I’m now in the huff as Steven’s daemon came out as a snow leopard which is much cooler than a chimpanzee.