The number of red shawls in progress around here has risen from one to two.
The first is the Circular Shawl which, as you might be able to tell from the picture is still kicking my ass. There are four lifelines in there at the moment and I’m about to have to rip back to the last one unless I can figure out where I’ve gone wrong in the current row.
The new needle has definitely helped with this pattern, to the extent that even if I have to rip back to the last lifeline, I’ll still have 5 completed repeats out of the 42 that the pattern suggests. I still haven’t gotten used to the level of concentration that lace knitting with all patterned rows needs though and still haven’t quite accepted that, even if inserting a lifeline is slightly fiddly, it’s still better to insert one after every repeat than have to rip back two repeats at a time. However, I am making progress and am absolutely determined that I will finish this shawl!
The second is what I’m calling my Mojo Shawl, purposefully cast on to remind me that knitting isn’t always complicated and lacking in fun. It’s Laura Chau’s Simple Yet Effective Shawl with vaguely Fibonnaci-series-based increasing sections of garter and stocking stitch. I say ‘vaguely’ because I have a bad cold at the moment and so keep forgetting to keep track of how many rows I’ve knitted in each section and am therefore just going ‘by eye’.
The yarn for this one is some leftover Noro Cash Iroha that I had so it’s going to be nice and warm and soft and snuggly. Just perfect for wrapping yourself up in when you’re feeling under the weather.