Several days after tomorrow

Tomorrow was not better (but I went to work anyway). The two days after that were even worse and were mostly spent napping on the couch. When I wasn’t asleep, I was mostly watching Harry Potter films and knitting my bed socks.

Bed socks

The idea of knitting bed socks while actually ill is extremely amusing to me today; I blame the almost complete lack of human contact over the past couple of days. They are still delightfully soft and squishy and I’m absolutely certain that I’m going to run out of yarn before I finish the second one but I’m keeping knitting anyway.

Bed socks

Today, I’m finally starting to feel human* again. I made it out to the shops to buy food, I put on some laundry and even managed to summon up enough brain power to put the finishing touches on my newest shawl pattern, Celandine, and publish it.

Celandine Shawl

There are more details and photographs on the Ravelry page (which should now be visible to non-Ravelry members). I promise to post lots more details about the shawl soon but, if you will excuse me, I really need to go for a nap now.

* Where human is defined as “able to achieve some small tasks and, only then, collapsing onto the couch”.



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