Into every life…

… a little silliness must fall.

A very busy and stressful two weeks degenerated recently into this:


Steven and I bought a new dining table and had been discussing what we should put on it that would look nice and stop us from using it as a dumping ground for junk. Steven thought that we should put out my cake stand and buy some knitted cupcakes from All the Fun of the Fair in London for the top. Several episodes of Battlestar Galactica and some stash yarn later, we had this:


The ghosts in the first picture are a salt and pepper shaker that I’ve had for ages but one of them had broken one of its arms, making it very difficult for them to hug (or attack huge cupcakes!). Fortunately, Steven had recently glued it back together.



The single cupcake is a little lonely on its own so I’ve already cast on for the next!

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