The bits and pieces of designing and re-knitting my own designs that I’ve been doing have started to feel a little bit like work recently. Since I already have enough things in my life that are actually work, I decided it might be time to take a little break and go back to knitting from other people’s designs for a little while.
First on the list is Simmer Dim (Ravelry link) by Gudrun Johnston. I love Gudrun’s shawl patterns. I knitted Aestlight last year (which I don’t seem to have blogged about before) from some Knitwitches cashmere and I wear it a lot. (I’m less keen on Gudrun’s jumper patterns – they look lovely but aren’t at all suited to my body shape.) I’m knitting this in the Fyberspates Nef lace that I bought at Knit Nation last year, which really is beautiful yarn. My hope is that between the simple, elegant pattern and the understated colour of the yarn, I’ll end up with another nice work-appropriate shawl. So far, so good!