Cry me a River

Now, I’m generally considered an intelligent person but like many other intelligent people, I occasionally do things so lacking in common sense that people wonder how I’ve managed to survive as long as I have.

So, recently there was a weird confluence of events. I finished my Katje cardigan without having planned what I fancied knitting next; Birdwoman was talking about knitting lace; I had been raiding my stash/unfinished projects and reclaiming yarn from projects that I was never going to finish.

Next thing I know, I’ve cast on for a River with some Kidsilk Haze that I’ve had for a long time. It was going to be a shrug but I finally admitted that I was never going to wear the shrug and I should use the yarn for something else.

Now, one of the reasons I was so keen to move directly on to a new project was the fact that I have my next set of exams in less than a month and I needed something to distract me.

Note to self: knitting lace in fluffy mohair does not help relieve stress. I don’t think I’ve made this many mistakes in a project since my first garter stitch doll’s blanket when I was 7.

Some times it flies along with no problems at all and then there are nights like last night when it takes me half-a-dozen attempts to get to through a single row.

Never mind, I’d still prefer this


to this


any day!

FO: Katje cardigan


Photo 14

Another finished cardigan. This time, Katje from Cocoknits, knitted in Noro Cash Iroha.

Photo 15

Even more amazingly, I have actually woven in all the ends already. There were a lot of knots in the Noro resulting in a lot of ends to be woven in but two episodes of Battlestar Galactica and one episode of Blackpool later, they were all done. It helped that that was the only finishing needing done on the cardigan; no seaming whatsoever!

Photo 16

I love this cardigan. It’s a great casual wear and the yarn makes it nice and snuggly.

My only complaint is that it seems that Spring is finally here and I might not get to wear it as often as I’d like!


Zen and the Art of Knitting Sleeves

I hate knitting sleeves. No, really, I hate knitting sleeves. I don’t mind acres of stocking stitch in the bodies of jumpers but, for some reason, knitting plain sleeves really, really bores me.

I think it is because sleeves feel like they should be quick to knit; after all, the rows are much shorter than body rows. But, no matter how quickly they are going, I always think they should be going faster.

I’ve discovered that the only way I can get through sleeve-knitting with any of my sanity intact is to adopt a Zen approach: the less I care about how much of the sleeve I’ve knitted, the more of the sleeve will have been knitted. Unfortunately, the only way for me to achieve a mind-state where I’m not measuring the sleeve length every five minutes is to distract my mind from my knitting entirely, usually by way of watching a favourite DVD.

The reason for this rant? I’ve finished knitting the body of my Katje and I’m in the process of knitting the sleeves. So, last night, I sat down with my knitting and Blackpool (warning: spoilers*) on DVD and managed to get the rest of the first sleeve finished. (Apologies, as always, for the scary headless web-cam photos but I am supposed to be studying today!)

Photo 13

Photo 12

One down, one to go!

* Spoilers doesn’t really cover it. The warning should really say “BBC have decided to summarise entire plot of series, including how every plot thread turns out, in four paragraphs.”

Cosy coffee


I would like to present my most recent finished item: a cosy for our cafetière.

It’s hard to explain just how excited I am about this project. It’s a quick, simple garter stitch project using leftover yarn and yet I’m more excited about it than any of the more complicated projects that I’ve knitted recently.


The reason: I designed it myself. It is the first project that I’ve had the idea for and then actually sat down, knitted and finished it. I have a notebook that I keep ideas for knitting projects in. At the moment, it has notes and thoughts for about 14 projects in it, including this one. Of the others, I’ve knitted a gauge swatch for one and knitted up most of another one but failed miserably to take notes as I did so and have only managed to half-finish the seaming.

So, to actually take this project from initial idea to finished item makes me very, very happy.


I’ll be even happier when I get around to writing up and publishing the pattern but I have a feeling that that’s going to be much more difficult and time-consuming than the knitting was!

And to show just how simple a project this is:


The joy of socks

Having just finished knitting another pair of socks, which it turns out was the fifth pair in less than a year, I think I might have to finally admit that I like knitting socks. For those of you who remember previous claims that I didn’t like knitting socks, I do have an explanation: I don’t like knitting the socks that lots of other sock-knitters like knitting and which, for a while, were the socks that I thought I should be knitting.

Obviously, I’m not talking about all other sock-knitters here but, for lots of people, sock-knitting is about bright, varied colours and interesting patterns. The thing that I’ve finally accepted is that I don’t like the bright colours and interesting patterns and I won’t wear the socks once I’ve knitted them. Whereas, relatively plain patterns knitted in solid colours will get worn all the time. Since I’m very a much a product knitter rather than a process knitter, of course I didn’t enjoy knitting something that I wasn’t going to enjoy wearing.

The fifth pair of the year, Steve’s Thuja (from Knitty), is a great example of the plain colour, plain pattern sock that I love. Knitted in a tweedy oatmeal shade with just a simple seed rib, they still look great. The only thing I would do differently with this pattern in future, would be to use a different toe that didn’t require grafting. I know that grafting a toe is easy but, since finishing is my least favourite part of any project, why do it when I don’t have to?


Little red riding hood

My Katje cardigan reached the point this morning where it splits for the body and sleeves so I thought that would be a good point to try it on and take some photographs. The weather is a bit gloomy here today so the light isn’t brilliant but I’m really pleased with how this is looking. (I’m ignoring the pictures that I took with the hood up; I’ll never wear the hood up!)
Photo 6

Photo 9

Photo 8

Photo 7

Like my Katarina, this is another Cocoknits pattern. I absolutely love Julie’s work. The styles are modern without being too trendy and the patterns are really clearly written.

The two patterns that I’ve knitted have also been simple enough to be fairly mindless knitting but with just enough going on that I don’t get too bored knitting them. They’re ideal for product knitters who aren’t terribly bothered about learning new techniques but do like having new things to wear!

Something old, something new

First the old: I finally got Steven to take some pictures of me in my Sahara jumper.



I love this jumper and probably wear it more than anything else I’ve knitted. I’ve already blogged my thoughts on the pattern so I’ll move right on to the new.

I’ve abandoned attempting to convert the Vino cardigan to something that I’ll actually wear and instead am going to use the yarn to make another Cocoknits pattern, Katje. It’s an interesting pattern, knitted from the top seam of the hood down. Given how well my Katarina cardigan turned out, I’m really looking forward to this one.


Finally, there’s yet another pair of socks on the needle.


These are Thuja from Knitty in Rowan Scottish Tweed Aran, which is a gorgeous yarn but unless you happen to be standing in John Lewis looking for yarn that you can buy right now, I’d recommend ordering from New Lanark instead. I’m enjoying the speed of knitting socks in aran-weight and Thuja is a great pattern, enough going on to keep them interesting without getting too complicated. Steven started these but has finally decided that he just isn’t a knitter so I volunteered to finish them for him.

For someone who doesn’t like knitting socks, I seem to be spending rather a lot of time on them recently!

Deja knit

So, does this look familiar to anyone?


That’s right, it’s a swatch for the Myrtle Leaf Shawl from Victorian Lace Today. “But didn’t you already knit one of these?” I hear you ask. “Didn’t it take you about 4 months? Wasn’t it quite stressful and involved lots of cursing and swearing?” Yes, yes and yes.

My mum phoned the other night and the conversation ran something like this:

Mum – Do you have any of the yarn left from knitting your wedding shawl?

Me – Some but not very much. Why?

Mum – I’m making a scrapbook of the wedding.

Me – Wow, that sounds great.

Mum – I already have some bits and pieces like invitations and the order of service but could you send me more if you have them?

Me – No problem, we have plenty of spares left over.

Mum – I also have a piece of your sister’s dress (my sister was my bridesmaid) but I was thinking, rather than taking scissors to your shawl, maybe you could knit a small sample square. Maybe two pattern repeats across by one high.

Me (just about recovered from the mini panic attack at the idea of scissors anywhere near my shawl) – Sure, I should have enough yarn to do that.

The conversation moved on and we talked about other things and then we hung up.

And then it hit me. My Mum had just asked me to knit a swatch for a project that I had already finished. And not just that, the most challenging and stressful project that I had ever worked on. I hadn’t properly knitted a swatch for the shawl the first time I knitted it and now, 4 months later, she wants a swatch!

Fortunately, thanks to a rotten cold, I wasn’t doing anything anyway and so with the help of some Friends DVDs, some chocolate and a large pot of tea, I now have a shawl swatch blocking.

It’s just as well I love my Mum.

Into every life…

… a little silliness must fall.

A very busy and stressful two weeks degenerated recently into this:


Steven and I bought a new dining table and had been discussing what we should put on it that would look nice and stop us from using it as a dumping ground for junk. Steven thought that we should put out my cake stand and buy some knitted cupcakes from All the Fun of the Fair in London for the top. Several episodes of Battlestar Galactica and some stash yarn later, we had this:


The ghosts in the first picture are a salt and pepper shaker that I’ve had for ages but one of them had broken one of its arms, making it very difficult for them to hug (or attack huge cupcakes!). Fortunately, Steven had recently glued it back together.



The single cupcake is a little lonely on its own so I’ve already cast on for the next!

Happy new year, happy new jumper!

My Sahara jumper is finally finished! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to take any pictures of it until the weekend so you’ll have to make do with the last in-progress picture that I have.
Sahara jumper

This was a brilliant pattern and I love the finished jumper. The only thing I would change if I knitted another would be the sleeves. I knitted the long-sleeve option and the sleeves are just a bit baggier than I would like. They’re not so bad that it would be worth re-knitting them smaller but I would do it differently if I made another.

I am also considering sewing up part of the neckline as suggested by the pattern rather than continuing to wear it as a really deep v-neck. The weight of the cotton is already starting to stretch the neckline a little so I’m hoping that a bit more structure will help.

Having finished Sahara I went back to working on my Vino cardigan, complete with an updated version of the pattern from the designer. Unfortunately, I decided that knitting it from the top-down was proving too complicated so I started again from the bottom up but all in one piece. This was going pretty quickly until I started decreasing for the waist and realised (with 7″ of cardigan already knitted) that I was exactly 100 stitches short having screwed up my mental arithmetic in spectacular fashion. Various words were uttered and the cardigan has now been consigned to a bag until I can face frogging it.

As an alternative, I’ve cast on for a pair of socks for Steven. Since these are going to be exactly the same as the pair that I recently finished for me, I’m not anticipating any problems. Of course, as with most things, “past performance is no guarantee of future results” so watch this space!